The weather was rainy when we visited, so we did not get many photographs (we have been here a dozen times over the last 20 years, so lack of fresh photos was not devastating to us this time).

Even in the rainy season the road was passable, but we had 4WD just to be safe. There are probably a few days when you can’t get through. Actually fallen trees are more likely to block you than deep mud, though both are possible.

The Carnegie Institution of Washington did an admirable job of publishing virtually everything. It is sad that so few projects today publish as well as did the CIW many decades ago. The University of Pennsylvania at Tikal ; Harvard at Seibal and Altar de Sacrificios, all published practically everything. But this scholarly tradition has not been carried on at all other projects.

Uaxactun Peten astronomical observatory maya archaeology
Group E Astronomical Complex at Uaxactun



First Posted Jan 2007.

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