You can make your own rotating objects using software
from VR Toolbox (

These are links to a QuickTimeVR Object of a Maya Ball Player Statue. Most new browser software will support QuickTime. If you have the latest QuickTime plug-in you can view a streaming movie while it is loading and see it within your browsers window. Every effort has been made to keep the files small so everyone can enjoy them. Best viewed in millions of colors.More about QuickTime - Configuring Your Browser

These links will open a new window for the download. Please close the new window when done viewing. You can return to the site and keep surfing if your browser supports multiple connections. (most do)

QuickTime Virtual Reality Object Ballplayer Statue from Popol Vuh (small797K) or large(1.6M)

GIF anim for those without VR plug in (295K)
NEW! Tiquisate incenese burner VR Object (160K)
Info on how Kaidan. equipment can help create virtual reality and panoramas.
This page leads to large pages full of media. The page size is in parenthesis after a link. If you don't know about look ahead caching see the tips for faster surfing(4.7K).

Museo Popol Vuh | HOME

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