Since this field trip was to photograph cacao, we did not have studio lighting equipment with which to do full-scale photography of the artifacts. So please excuse the snapshot format.

The vase with the person exhibiting an eye condition or disease was affixed to the shelf so we could not move it to where I could better alluminate it. This is a nice example of coastal or boca costa ceramic art.

We show a face, which once decorated either a figurine or an incensario.


I hope that students and iconographers enjoy seeing both sides of what I provisionally interpret to be a peccary: alive on one side, skeletal on the other side.


One of many sculptures I photographed was the conjoined aged female twin. I could have done a much better job of photographing this if we had brought our entire (portable) photo studio here (and if we had an entire extra day to do the photography).


Here is a photograph of a Maya style drum, made from a specific tree whose wood has been utilized for drums for thousands of years. Drums, in Maya style are still made today (such as this).



If you are a student or archaeologist working in the non-Maya piedmont area of Guatemala, this museum is a good place to visit for finding things that are not widely published elsewhere.

If you are a visitor to Guatemala, and happen to be in route to Mazatenango or elsewhere nearby, if you are interested in the non-Maya piedmont artifacts and sculpture of ancient Guatemala, you can find more of what we show you here. The museum also has other subjects that Sr Morales collects.


Location of the archaeology museum, Museo Macony

Granja Louisiana. Km. 149, Canton Ixtacapa, San Luis Suchitepequez


We thank Marco Antonio Morales Barrientos for his hospitality at his Museo Macony in San Luis Suchitepequez.

It is important that when highway construction, plowing the fincas, and house construction results in finding ceramics and sculptures, that these artifacts remain in Guatemala. It would be helpful if archaeologists are notified so they can study the find site. But usually the artifacts have been plowed up or found generations ago. In this case it is much better to register them with IDAEH and make them available for students and scholars, and for the general public. It is a shame when artifacts are allowed to leave the country, as they are part of the national heritage of Guatemala and deserve to stay in this country.


First posted January 27, 2012

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